Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Three Reasons to Use Food Storage

People often wonder what you will do with all the food you have stored. People can't imagine what events will bring about the need to use food storage. Here are three common events where people could use food storage.

1) The most common use for food storage among people I know is job loss. Many people will rely on their food storage when they lose all or some of their income. If you have food set aside for a long period of time, this can help to ease the burden of stress that you will feel with no money coming in.

2) People often rely on food storage during and shortly after a natural disaster. People who have stored food and water to cover at least two weeks are usually pretty comfortable immediately following a natural disaster. They do not have the added stress and worry of what is going to happen if supermarkets are are not able to open for business in a timely manner.

3) People rely on their food storage for every meal every day. This is especially true if you have been planning with the Pantry Principle in mind. It is like having your own personal grocery store right in your own home. You can restock when the items are on sale and save a lot of money.

Excerpt taken from www.preparedness.families.com


foodstr2 said...

We hav a customer who buys our dehydrated food to feed their family and foster children. They save about 30% off grocery-store prices ... because they don't have to pay for shipping of water with grocery-store canned foods.

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Very interesting Bruce. I've never known of anyone using dehydrated food that way. That's awesome that they found a way to feed their family for less. Thanks for sharing this.