Thursday, January 15, 2009


Modern conveniences and luxuries may be the reason for the complacency of many of our attitudes towards emergency preparedness. We flip a switch, turn a dial, insert a key, or pull a lever to obtain virtually any necessity of life we desire. Food, water, heat and light are all available with almost no effort. For the most part, many of us live a life of luxury, yet continually search for bigger, better and more convenient items.

As you make preparedness a priority, you will be surprised at how quickly you become prepared and how much comfort the peace of preparedness can bring.

Appreciate modern conveniences but still learn to be prepared for anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those "modern conveniences" is what will cause riots and thousands of deaths in the larger cities when TSHTF. A decade ago, it was common to have a root cellar ... filled with canned goods. Today we depend on the 3-day-at-most stocked grocery stores.

It's past time to get prepared! A good place to start is Internet Grocer

There are a lot of other places, but they are the most creative and have the largest variety. Plus, you can try some of their products in dented cans at a discount.
