If your cell phone is low on battery or discharged or destroyed do you have this information in your purse or wallet? Emergency personnel would need to know who to contact in case of an emergency. They might also need to know whether you have certain medical conditions or are taking any medications.
If something happens in your home, does your family know who to contact and is the information posted where they can easily find it (like the refrigerator or an emergency binder
This week's task
Compile your emergency contact information.
Download the ICE forms in the resources section. Fill out and post the contact list in prominent spot like on your refrigerator or in your emergency binder or both. Fill out the 3X5 cards and put one in each person's wallet or purse. For the children you can laminate them and put them in their pockets or backpacks.
That's it! Basic Emergency Preparedness Made Easy in bite-sized pieces.

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