When disaster strikes an area it may affect the whole village or neighborhood so it is wise to have a contact person out of the area that you can call to let know what your situation and plans are. This someone that you can go to in case you have to evacuate your home. You don't want to be panicking because you have nowhere to go if an emergency shelter is not available like in the case of fire. This week's task will help to ease your mind knowing that you have somewhere to go.
This week's task
Decide on who your out of town contact person is going to be and make arrangements with the person.
In your conversation with your out of town contact person here are some points to discuss:
- The possibility of you and your family having to come to their home in case of an evacuation.
- Explain that you will most likely be bringing a certain amount of food with you so that you won't be a burden to them.
- Ask about the possibility of even storing a 3 day supply of food and other necessities in a plastic tub at their home.
Home Inventory Task cont'd
Take 5-15 minutes each day this week to inventory the items in your laundry room.

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